go green - technology transition

go green - technology transition

In order to improve competitiveness in times of rising energy costs, energy efficiency is an important key to success. Efficient electric drives make a decisive contribution to reducing energy consumption in production and achieving sustainability targets. There are many reasons for switching technology from hydraulic and pneumatic to electromechanical drive systems.

In order to improve the competitiveness of companies in times of rising energy costs, energy efficiency is an important key to success. The use of electric drives makes a decisive contribution to reducing energy consumption in production and achieving sustainability targets.

Compared to hydraulic and pneumatic drives, the electric alternative not only offers sustainability but also greater flexibility, productivity and quality. 



More and more companies are becoming aware of the importance of conserving resources. Parkem helps its customers to do this

  • Manufacturing processes often require too much energy. We electrify hydraulic & pneumatic movements for maximum efficiency.
  • Efficient electrical systems such as controlled servo drives are generally used.
  • These drives are correctly calculated and not oversized.
  • All drives are operated in a controlled manner so that only the energy directly required is consumed.
  • During commissioning, all drives are optimally adjusted and optimized for the application.
  • Sustainable repair is possible for drives that are up to 30 years old, modern drives work more efficiently than old drives!

We are constantly striving to become more sustainable. It's often the little things that help!

  • LED lighting throughout the building with motion sensors
  • Use of daylight, lighting reduced or switched off
  • Energy-saving mode for notebooks and other electrical consumers
  • Outsourced server in data center (cloud) with efficient cooling for many customers at the same time
  • Our production partners use efficient methods, motors and drive systems in production
  • Targeted training and information for all employees on energy efficiency
  • Minimized travel and use of remote options
  • Charging stations for electric cars at the company building
  • Fleet conversion to sustainable vehicle models

Convinced? Discover more advantages:

More sustainability with Parkem