Metal 3D printer

Metal 3D printer

As a spin-off of ETH Zurich and FHNW, a-metal AG specializes in the development and manufacture of metal 3D printers. 

With over a decade of experience in automation, industrial 3D printing and various research projects (ETH, FHNW), a-metal AG has developed a deep understanding of how production processes can be optimized and machines designed to be user-friendly and robust. 

The aim is to make the additive manufacturing of metal parts accessible to the wider industry. The company offers an affordable, compact and safe solution that facilitates entry into this innovative technology without the need to invest in large and expensive equipment, special laboratory facilities, protective clothing or specialist personnel.

As automation specialist, Parkem ensures the correct positioning of the powder layer in the metal 3D printer in combination with the coater. 

The miniature electric actuators and belt axes are ideal: with high performance, they are very space-saving and thus integrate perfectly into the compact 3D printer. In addition, the precision and low vibration tendency of the axes are ideal for certain 3D printing requirements. They enable the precise X and Z movements required to apply the powder layer in the 3D printing process, thus guaranteeing the accuracy and quality of the parts produced.

By working with a-metal AG to design the X-Z movements, we were able to promote efficiency and quality in the manufacturing process.

a-metal - 1. Place Swiss Startup Challenge 2022