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- Copley ME Multiaxe
Multi-axis servodrive 14-90VDC
Copley ME Multiaxe
Three- and four-axis EtherCAT or CANopen universal motor controllers for servo and stepper motors, also in mixed configuration.
Both versions offer various freely programmable digital inputs and outputs. High-speed position capture is just as possible as the position-triggered setting of an output.
- 14-90 VDC servo/stepper drive in 3- and 4-axis version as a board for integration
- EtherCAT or CANopen interface
- Simple integration of any BLDC/DC motors with various feedbacks
- Operation at 14 to 90Vdc M3 Plus , 14 to 55Vdc M4 Plus
- Currents 5A (3.5Arms) continuous or 10A (7Arms) peak M3 Plus, 3A (2.1Arms) M4 Plus
- Efficient commissioning: CME software with oscilloscope, autotuning and autopphasing
- Feedback systems: Analog Sin/Cos, Incremental, Digital Hall, Analog Hall, BiSS, SSI, Absolute A, Endat, Panasonic, Tamagawa, Sanyo Denki, Resolver
- Simple integration of any motor types BLDC /DC synchronous motors, torque motors and linear motors.
- Fieldbus options CANopen or EtherCAT: CANopen protocol DSP-402/ EtherCAT (CoE)
- Operating modes: Cyclic Synchronous Position-Velocity-Torque, Profile Position-Velocity-Torque, Interpolated Position Mode (PVT) and Homing
- CMO software, compatible with Visual Studio®, .NET® or any other COM-compatible software
- CML Motion Libraries for C++
- CPL programming environment for stand-alone applications
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